Kaya is our local (Malaysia & Singapore) favourite jam made from coconut milk, sugar & eggs. Original kaya is brown in color while those green in color is added with pandan leaves (screwpine leaves) juice. Sweet in taste with strong coconut smell. It is usually served on toast with butter spread as great breakfast or tea time snacks, commonly available at most coffee shops. It is also great as fillings in buns or paos (steamed buns), cakes and waffle spread. Yummss... I love waffle with butter kaya spread.

Although Kaya can be easily purchase from mini mart or any supermarket nowadays, but you don't know what's in it, the preservatives & colouring added in. Homemade Kaya is always better as you can have freshly made Kaya at home anytime you wish.
Uses only 4 simple ingredients, that's all you need. And with alot patience & some arm muscle exercise, you will be rewarded with a rich creamy smooth spread. You just need less than an hour to make your Kaya from scratch. No added colouring.
Using Queen's Xense Casserole to make this Kaya is indeed easy to manage. Apart from the non-stick coating feature, it also gives a very even heat distribution. Even heat distribution is important when making Kaya to prevent it from forming lumpy texture. That's why, the traditional way of making Kaya were using the steam stirring/double boiling method (ban marie) to get the nice texture. Personally I prefer to smooth creamy texture as compare to the lumpy style Kaya. It's just personal preference with no special reason. Anyway, both tastes the same & uses the same ingredients.
Ingredients : (makes 1 small jar - good for a small family of 2-3 persons)
2 Eggs
100ml Coconut Milk (I'm using Kara brand packet type)
75g Castor Sugar
3 pcs Pandan Leaves (Screwpine Leaves)

Step by Step :
1. Clean Pandan Leaves & use scissors to cut into 4cm length.
2. In a blender/food processor, put in pandan leaves, eggs & coconut milk. Blend for about 1 min. Just to mix it throughly & get a bit greenish colouring from the pandan extract.

3. Pour out & sieve the mixture.

4. Pour mixture into the pan & add in castor sugar. Use low heat (I'm using Vee's Deli Cooker & heat level No. 1) to slowly cook the mixture.

5. Constant stirring for 17mins until it thickens. Yes, you need to stand there & keep stirring it. Otherwise lumps will form. Don't worry those white foam bubbles, it will dissappear when the mixture thickens.

6. After that, turn off heat, do not remove the pan, but keep on stirring. As the casserole/pan is still hot at this moment, it will still get thickens. Stir for about 8-10mins and the pan should be cool down by now. At this moment, the mixture texture should be creamy thick.

7. Let the mixture cool down a bit before transfer to a clean jar. Keep chilled in fridge.
NOTE : The mixture will thickens as it cools down and further thicken when chilled.
Fresh homemade Kaya jam is best to consume within 5-7 days.

Serving suggestions : Kaya & butter on toast.
Cooked with Queen's Xense Casserole Marble Coated Anodised Coating. Non stick 5 layer marble coating. Durable & Long Lasting. High heat efficiency. Easy cleaning & maintenance.
More details please visit: http://www.edgi.com.my