Love a cup of freshly homemade black bean & soy bean milk at the comfort of my home.

What we usually call as black beans are indeed black soy beans. Black beans can be use to boil soup. Black beans helps tonifies the blood, improves liver & kidneys, and improve eyesight.
It nourishes weak body constitution, moisten dryness and delays aging. Soybean milk is the best drink for women. Drinking soy bean milk everyday helps regulate estrogen and progesterone level, and menstrual cycle too.
Removing the skin of the beans after soaking is recommended for those having uric acid and joint pains. I just removed all the skin for black beans as I don't wish to have a greyish milk. Note the inside of the black beans were actually greenish. While for the soy beans, I just removed partially of it.

Ginger is added in to remove the raw beans taste and at the same time giving a slight gingery taste.
240g Dried Soy Beans
120g Dried Black Beans
4pcs Pandan Leaves
8 slices Ginger (can smashed the whole piece too)
75g Rock Sugar
2L Water
You need : Hurom Slow Juicer & Coffee strainer mesh
Step by Step:
1. Rinse both soy beans and discard spoilt beans (those floated ones).
2. Put enough water and soak beans overnight in fridge.
3. Next day, discard soaking water, rinse again & drain.
4. Turn off the pulp function on the juicer. Juice soy beans with 250ml water. Alternate with a spoonful of water with every 2 spoonful of soy beans.

5. You will get thick foamy soy beans milk. Transfer to a small pot.

6. There will still be fine soy beans residue. Pour in half portion of soy milk mixture into coffee strainer. Strain into a bigger pot. Slowly squeeze soy milk mixture till almost dry and residue left in the strainer. (Use your hand to squeeze hard) Discard and continue with the balance of the soy milk mixture.

Fine residue after filtering process. This step is important for a residue free soy bean milk. Otherwise this residue will settle at the base of the pot of your soy bean milk and will easily burnt while cooking/boiling. Hence the smell of burnt soy bean milk.
7. Add balance 1750ml water into the soy milk mixture. Add in sliced ginger, pandan leaves and rock sugar

8. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally to prevent burning at the base of the pot. It's okay to have those foamy bubbles. It will disappeared & reduced once cooked.
9. Discard ginger & pandan leaves. Strain again before serving. Serve hot or chilled.
* A layer of skin will be formed at the surface of the soybean milk. Carefully remove the skin with chopstick. That's Fu Chuk!! It's edible.
* Best to consume within 2 days kept in fridge for ultimate freshness.

Happy cooking.