A classic Sweet Tapioca Cake (Bingka Ubi Kayu) gives back those days memories when we use to harvest sweet tapioca from our kampung house. The harvesting process was always a surprise, you will never know how big the sweet tapioca is, you will never know how many tapiocas in a bunch.
Easy recipe, as a kids we will just cut the sweet tapioca in small pieces & steam it. Its best eaten while its still hot & dipped in sugar as additional flavouring. All kids sure will love this.
Nowadays, tapioca can be easily find at morning market or night market.
Today, here's another way of using sweet tapioca to make this simple cake.

Ingredients : (serves 8-10)
300gm grated tapioca
100gm grated coconut, skin removed
30gm custard powder
30gm wheat starch
200ml thick coconut milk
100ml water
150gm sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 7-inch square tin
Step by step:
1. Peel off tapioca skin, rinse & grate tapioca till fine.

2. Grease and line baking tin with greaseproof paper.
3. Combine all ingredients & seasoning and mix well. Pour mixture into baking tin.

4. Put baking tin into steamer and steam over high heat for 1/2 hour. Remove and let it cool down.

TIPS : Alternative Options : You can brush surface with beaten egg yolk after steaming it. Then put baking tin into oven. Bake at 200 degree celcius for 15 minutes or till surface is golden brown.