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  • Writer's pictureMichelle Lee

Braised Yam With Dried Shrimp

Updated: Aug 23, 2021

Love this simple savoury yam dish. Easy to cook with very minimal ingredients used.


Taro root is a starchy root vegetable with a mildly sweet taste. It is rich in fiber and resistant starch, which both slow digestion and reduce blood sugar spikes after meals. It also helps lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Taro contains calcium oxilate which causes skin irritation and itchiness. If your skin is sensitive, you may want to wear gloves while handling it.

Ingredients : (serves 4)

440g Whole Yam (after peeled skin 325g)

10g Dried Shrimp (soaked)

2 tbsp Cooking Oil

150ml Water (incl. water from soaking dried shrimp)

2 tsp Light Soy Sauce

Dash of White Pepper


Step by Step :

1. Rinse dried shrimp & soaked them in clean water for about 30 mins. Then strain and keep the soaking water in another bowl.

2. Top up the dried shrimp water with clean water to achieve 150ml.

3. Clean yam by removing the head & skin. Then cut into thin long strips. About 6-7mm thickness.

4. Heat up oil in wok. Saute dried shrimp till fragrant.

5. Add in yam strips & toss for about 1 minute.

6. Add water, light soy sauce & pepper. Toss to combine.

7. Cover wok with lid & let it cook for about 10 mins till yam softens. Stirring occasionally.

8. Dish up & serves hot with steamed rice.

* Water needed to cook the yam might differ as different yam species/tenderness of yam is being used.


Happy Cooking..

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