Let's make some refreshing dessert to beat the heat. Nutritious and full of fibre.

*Sweet potato - high in fibre, lowers cholesterol, detoxify, improve liver health.
*Ginger - stimulate appetite, improve digestion, promote blood circulation, strengthen stomach, eliminate bacteria
*Barley - controls blood sugar, prevents beri-beri, regulates intestines and strengthen stomach
*Lemongrass - anti-oxidant, helps digestion, detoxify, reduces arthritis pain, controls cholesterol levels
Ingredients :
1 small Sweet Potato - cut into cubes
25pcs Gingko Nuts (peeled & cleaned)
1pc Lemongrass (bruised)
20g Barley - rinsed
5 slices Ginger
1L Water
25g Rock Sugar
Step by Step:
1. Filled pot with water, gingko nuts, lemongrass, barley and ginger slices.
2. Bring to a boil and reduce heat, let it simmer for about 45mins or until barley fully soften.
3. Add cubes sweet potato and rock sugar and boil for another 10-15mins until sweet potato soften when poke with a fork and rock sugar melted.
4. Serve hot or chilled.