My first attempt at this zig zag patterned Pandan Moss Butter Pudding. Definitely need some patience and precise measurements and cuttings to complete this masterpiece.

Ingredients : (using 17x17cm pan)
Pattern layer :
425ml Water
75ml Coconut Milk
2 tsp Agar-Agar Powder
50g Sugar
1pc Pandan Leaves
Yellow & Green Food Coloring
Method for pattern layer:
Boil water, agar-agar powder, sugar, pandan leaves. Add coconut milk and bring to boil. Turn of heat and divide into 4 equal portions (125ml each). 1 portion add yellow coloring and 1 portion add green coloring. Pour white layer first, slightly harden, then pour yellow layer, then white, then green. Chill in fridge to fully set at least 3-4 hour. Cut into 0.5cm long strips, then cut 2cm each. Arrange pattern alternatively to form zig zag pattern.

Butter Pudding Layer :
420ml Water
25g Butter
50g Sweetened Condensed Milk
2 tsp Agar-Agar Powder
1/2pc Pandan Leaves
Yellow Food Coloring
Method for Butter Pudding Layer:
In a pot, combine all the ingredients (water, butter, condensed milk, agar-agar powder, pandan leaves and few drops yellow food coloring) together. Stir to mix evenly. Turn on medium heat.
Bring to a boil and simmer for 5 mins. Pour onto pattern layer and let it cool down.

Pandan Moss Layer :
1 Egg (beaten)
100ml Pandan Juice Water (blend 100ml Water + 3 pcs Pandan Leaves)
50ml Coconut Milk
100ml Water
25g Sugar
1 tsp Agar-Agar Powder
Green Food Coloring
Method for Pandan Moss Layer:
1. Rinse pandan leaves & cut into short strips. Blend together with 100ml water. Strain the residue & reserve the pandan juice.
2. In a pot, combine all the ingredients (water, agar-agar powder, sugar, coconut milk, pandan juice, & beaten egg, few drops green coloring) together. Stir to mix evenly. Turn on medium heat.
3. Keep stirring until mixture boils. At this point of time, you will see the moss formation and floated on the surface.
4. Remove from heat and pour onto butter layer & let it cools down.
5. Once cool down, you can keep in the fridge to chill till agar-agar fully set. At least for 3-4 hours.
6. Cut into serving portions, serve chilled & enjoy.

Happy Cooking.