Another jelly mooncake creations using a pack of Instant Sabah Tea Tarik that was given to me by one of my friend recently.

"Teh tarik is a hot milk tea beverage which can be commonly found in restaurants, outdoor stalls and kopitiams within the Southeast Asian country of Malaysia. Its name is derived from the pouring process of "pulling" the drink during preparation. It is made from a strong brew of black tea blended with condensed milk".
**Source by Wikipedia

Ingredients: (makes 4 pcs) INNER TEA TARIK FILLINGS 200ml Water 1 tsp Agar-Agar Powder 1 Sachet 3-in-1 Instant Tea Tarik (40g) * You need 4-5 small egg tart MOULD. Try putting the cups into the mooncake mould to make sure it fits nicely into the center of the mooncake. COCONUT OUTER LAYER 80ml Coconut Milk
400ml Water 60g Sugar 2 tsp Agar-Agar Powder
2 pcs Pandan Leaves You will need : 1 x 4pcs mooncake jelly mould
(I'm using measurement spoon from Daiso)
Step by Step to make Tea Tarik Filling 1. In a pot, bring water & agar-agar powder to a boil. Let boil for few minutes till agar-agar powder fully dissolved.
2. Turn off heat and pour in instant 3-in-1 Tea Tarik mixture from sachet. 3. Stir evenly till well mix like how you make instant coffee/tea.

4. Pour into small cups and leave to set completely. (thickness of your inner fillings must fit perfectly into the mould. Roughly about 2cm or 2.5cm thickness will do the best trick)

5. You may put in the fridge once it cools down for quicker setting time)
Step by Step to make Coconut Outer Layer 1. In a pot, bring water, sugar, pandan leaves & agar-agar powder to a boil. 2. Lower the heat and add in coconut milk. 3. Stir continuously until mixture bubblling, turn to lowest heat & keep them warm. 4. Now, get ready to assemble the jelly mooncake. Instructions to assemble the Jelly Mooncake: 1. Before pouring the jelly mixture into the mould, slightly wet the mould. This is to prevent the mooncake jelly from sticking to the mould and easy removal. It's okay to have some water drops in the mould. 2. Pour 1cm to 1.5 cm of the coconut mixture into the mooncake mould.

(I took some mixture & add a bit colouring to make the goldfish for a contrasting effect)

3. Leave to cool down until it is almost set. (means a dry to touch surface, but below under still not fully hardened) 4. Take out the tea tarik fillings jelly, carefully remove them from the small cups and place them on a plate.

5. Use a spoon to drop a 1 tsp of the coconut mixture in the center of the almost set jelly. (This step is to make sure the tea tarik filling sticks & holds tightly and not easily separated by layer when you remove and cut them) 6. Carefully & slowly placed the tea tarik fillings onto the center of the mooncake mould.
7. Next, fill the mooncake mould with more coconut mixture until it's full.
8. Leave to cool and set completely. 9. Transfer them into the fridge to chill for at least 3 hours & fully set. 10. When ready to serve, remove jelly mooncakes from the mould and cut them into quarters size.

TIPS : Do not remove jelly mooncake from the mould until you are ready to eat. Jelly will release some water when oxidize.
Happy Cooking & Happy Mooncake Festival!