Dessert time. Easy Konnyaku Jelly. Something different from the usual fruity konnyaku jelly.

10g Konnyaku Jelly (1 pack)
500ml Water
130ml Coconut Milk
90g Sugar
2/3 can Cream Corn

Step by Step:
1. Fill water into a small pot. Slowly pour in konnyaku jelly powder and keep stirring to mix well into the water. (You will see the jelly powder slowly expands and becomes thickens)
2. Add in sugar into the mixture.
3. Now, turn on the heat and bring to a boil. Stirring continuously.
4. Reduce heat, add in coconut milk and cream corn.
5. Let it boil for another 5 mins and it's done.
6. Pour into jelly mould and let it cool down at room temperature.
7. Transfer to the fridge and let it set completely.
8. Serve chilled.

Happy cooking..