Make yourself a bowl of chilled soy beancurd pudding or better known as tou foo fah at home. It's not difficult at all. Try this hassle free recipe using instant soy bean powder mix, a short cut way.

Do not mistake instant jelly powder with agar-agar powder. Both has a different texture. Jelly powder will set and gives a soft curd texture like tou foo fah. Whereas agar-agar will set into a harder firm texture.
Ingredients: (makes 2 bowls)
45g Instant Soy Bean Powder
10g Coffee Creamer (can use any brand)
10g Sugar
350ml Water (room temperature)
5g Instant Jelly Powder
1pc Pandan Leaves
* As the result yields a very soft beancurd pudding, it's important to follow all above measurement and it needs to be very accurate. Please use digital weighing scale.

Step by Step:
1. Combine all ingredients (except instant jelly powder) in a small pot. Use a whisk to slowly stir while adding in water to prevent lumpy soy bean powder.

2. Heat up will warm but do not bring to a boil. Stirring continuously to prevent burnt at the base of the pot.
3. Slowly pour in instant jelly powder and cook until fully dissolved.
4. Prepare 2 bowls. Slowly pour mixture through a sieve to discard lumpy mixture (if any).
5. Pour sieve mixture into bowls. Remove floated bubbles on the surface with the back of a spoon.
6. Set aside & leave to cool down before transferring to chill in the fridge.
7. Chill for at least 3-4 hours to set. Serve chilled.

Happy Cooking..