Sesame oil is "yang" energy food that can warm up the body.

This dish is popular for ladies to consume during confinement month. Sesame oil fried with ginger is effective in relieving stomach colds and improve digestion too.
Ingredients : (serves 2-3)
120g Pork Loin - thinly sliced
20g Ginger - julienned
2 clove Garlic - finely minced
2 Eggs
100ml Water
Sesame Oil for frying Eggs
2 tbsp Sesame Oil
1 tbsp Light Soy Sauce
1 tsp Whisky/Martell - (I'm using Black Label whisky). Can be replace with Hua Tiao Chinese wine.
Salt to taste
pinch of Sugar
dash of pepper
Marinate - for pork:
1/2 tsp Light Soy Sauce
1/4 tsp Sesame Oil
dash of Pepper
pinch of Sugar
pinch of Salt

Step by Step:
1. Heat up pan with some sesame oil & fry egg one by one. Fry till yolks almost cook or fully cooked.

2. Heat up pan with sesame oil & saute ginger till fragrant & slightly brown.
3. Then, add in garlic & saute for few seconds.
4. Add in pork slices and pan fried till almost cook on both sides.

5. Add in light soy sauce & stir to combine.
6. Add water, sugar, pepper, salt and cover with lid to simmer for about 4 mins.
7. Finally mix in the fried eggs and 1 tsp of whisky and let it simmer for another 1 mins.
8. Dish up & ready to serve. Serve hot with steamed rice.

Happy Cooking..