Beancurd soup or better known as "Tofu Kang" in Cantonese. It has a thick soup that resemble sharkfin soup. But my version is a more healthier options which uses mostly vegetables and great for health conscious ladies. Generously laden with tofu strips, mushrooms slice, carrot & wood fungus. It is super delicious when taken hot. A simple and fast to cook dish for the family :))

1 tube Beancurd (Silky smooth tofu) 250g - cut into strips
2 pcs Dried Chinese Mushroom - soaked & thinly sliced
1 pc Wood Ear (Mok Yee) - soaked & thinly cut
50g Corn Kernels
50g Carrot - julienned
1 Egg - beaten
370 ml Water
250 ml Chicken Stock
2 tbsp Cooking Oil
1 tbsp Shao Xing Wine
3 tbsp Corn Starch + 2 tbsp Water (Mix)
1/2 tbsp Oyster Sauce
1 tsp Sugar
1 tbsp Light Soy Sauce
1/2 tsp Salt / to taste
Dash of White Pepper

Step by Step:
1. Soak & cut/shred all the ingredients

2. Heat up oil in a small pot.
3. Add in chinese mushrooms, wood ear, corn kernels & carrot & stirfry for about 1 min.

4. Pour in Shao Xing wine to the vegetables & continue stir fry for another 1 min.
5. Add in chicken stock, water and all the seasoning. Mix well and bring to a boil in a covered pot. Estimate about 10mins to reach boiling stage.

6. Add in beancurd strips & bring to a boil again.

7. Once it start to boil, slowly stir in corn starch mixture and stir till soup thickens.
8. Then slowly stir in beaten egg and stir in circular motion to create egg drop effect.
9. Serve immediately while it's still hot.

Enjoy & Happy Cooking..