Loofah/Luffa also known as petola in Malay, 丝瓜 in Chinese, some called it Angled Loofah or Luffa. This gourd is mild sweet in taste & spongy in texture. Loofah helps to treats constipation as it is high fibre content. It is also anti-aging and is good for the complexion.

Luffa are easy to grow. Here's my luffa plant in my garden. Although homegrown are not as long as the commercial ones sold in market, but this size is good enough for us, small family as I get to harvest 1 luffa every 3-4 days.
What else is better than fresh harvest from the garden to the table. Planting own food is not just fun but at the same time I make sure they are pesticide free, safe for my family consumptions.
Here's a simple classic dish to share- Stirfry Luffa with Prawns.

260g Luffa
4 pcs Big Prawns - (halves)
4-5 slices Ginger
1 nos Egg
1 tbsp Light Soy Sauce
Salt to taste
1/2 tbsp Sesame Oil
1/2 tbsp Cooking Oil
50ml Water

Step by Step:
1. Remove luffa skin with a fruit peeler & cut according to your preferences.
2. Heat up wok, add some oil and cook egg scramble style. Remove & set aside.

3. Add oil and sesame oil in heated wok, saute ginger till fragrant.
4. Add in prawns & toss till prawns start to turns white.
5. Add in luffa and toss for a minute.
6. Add water, light soy sauce, salt and scrambled egg. Let simmer and cook for about 5 minutes.

7. Dish up and serve hot with steamed rice.

Happy Cooking.