Let's chill with this sweet dessert, Gula Melaka Avocado sago. Easy to prepare. Refreshing & highly nutritious.

Ingredients: (serves 2)
1/2 pc Avocado (riped)
180ml Water
2 1/2 tbsp Gula Melaka Syrup
5 tbsp Coconut Milk UHT (packet)
Sago Preparation :
250ml Water
15g Sago (small) - no need to rinse
*In a small pot/pan, bring water to a boil. Reduce to low heat with slight bubbling, put in sago pearls, stirring occasionally. Boil for 10mins. Then turn off heat, cover with lid and let it sit for 15 mins until sago turn fully transparent. Drain away the liquid. Set aside.
Gula Melaka Syrup :
40g Gula Melaka
50ml Water
*Boil water and gula melaka until fully melted. Set aside to cool down.
To prepare :
Blend avocado with coconut milk till fine.
Add water and quick pulse again to mix evenly.
Lastly stir in gula melaka syrup and cooked sago pearls. (You may adjust the gula melaka syrup to your preferred sweetness level). Stir well.
Transfer & chill in fridge before serving.

Happy Cooking.