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  • Writer's pictureMichelle Lee

Sweet and Sour Black Pomfret Fish with Mango Cubes

Normally sweet and sour fish consist of cucumber, shallot, tomato & pineapple cubes. Since it's the mango season with lots mango available in the market, I added mango cubes to replace pineapples. Not much difference, in fact mango lover will love this.

Ingredients :

1 Black Pomfret Fish (about 220g)

40g Cucumber (diced)

60g Mango (diced)

1pc Shallot (divide into 4)

1 tsp Corn Starch mix in 3 tsp Water

1/4 tsp Salt

Cooking Oil

Sauce - (mix everything together in a bowl)

2 tsp Sugar

2 tbsp Chilli Sauce

3 tbsp Tomato Sauce

1 tsp Light Soy Sauce

Dash of Pepper

150ml Water

*Omit chilli sauce if cooking for kids. Replace with more tomato sauce.

Step by Step:

1. Wipe dry the fish with kitchen towels. Make 2 slits on the fish for both sides. Rub some salt on both sides of fish to marinate it.

2. Heat up enough oil in the wok to fry the fish. Once wok heated up, slowly put in fish. Fry till both sides turn golden & fully cooked. Dish up & set aside.

3. Now to cook the sauce, heat up the wok with some oil. Saute shallot for about 1 min.

4. Pour in sauce mixture & bring to a boil. Taste test the sauce whether it suits your tastebuds. (As I omitted salt in this recipe, you may add a pinch of salt if you prefer it more salty)

5. Add in diced cucumber & mango.

6. Slowly stir in starch mixture for a thicker gravy. Not necessary to pour in all the starch mixture. Adjust to your preferred gravy thickness consistency.

7. Pour gravy over fried fish & serve immediately.


Happy Cooking..

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