Another nourishing soup that is rich in collagen & nourishes the spleen & stomach.
Definitely one of my favourite soup. In fact, anything that has collagen in it will be my beauty soup.

Fish Maw - Neutral in nature. It tonifies and improves the liver & kidneys, energy and eyesight. Rich in natural collagen and suitable for women especially pregnant women.
Sweet corn - Sweet in taste & neutral in nature. To enhance spleen, stimulate appetite, expel dampness. Nourishes the brain.
Huai San (Chinese Yam) - It tastes sweet and neutral in nature. Nourishes the spleen and stomach, and improves the functions of the lungs and kidneys. Helps lower blood sugar, improve appetite and memory. To relieve chronic cough too.
Ingredients : (serves 3-4)
1 pc Fish Maw (Fried)
1 pc Sweet Corn - chopped into small pieces
230g Fresh Huai San (Chinese Yam)
250g Pork Bones - blanched
3-4 Red Dates (big) -pitted
2 tbsp Yuk Zhu
1 tbsp Wolfberries
1750ml Water
Salt to taste (optional)

To prepare Fish Maw
Place some water in a pot and bring to a boil. Add in fish maw and cook for about 5 mins to remove the excess oil during frying process in the fish maw. Remove the fish maw, rinse and drain. Cut into small pieces.

Preparing Fresh Huai San (Chinese Yam)
A note to remember when cutting fresh Huai San. It will be very slippery when cut & the slimy mucous like substance from the Huai San will cause itchiness when contact to skin. However, the itchiness will be gone after an hour or so. I will usually use wear a gloves. If you don't have a glove, use plastic bag to cover your hands. Be extra cautious as it will be extremely slippery to hold. Just cut into small pieces & straight away put into the pot of hot water. No need to rinse away the slimy juice. It will disappear when cooked.

Step by Step:
1. Blanch pork bones in boiling water for 5 mins. Rinse & set aside.
2. Rinse red dates, yuk zhu & wolfberries.
3. Carefully peel the skin of the fresh huai san (Chinese Yam) under running tap water. Cut into small chunks.
4. Put water in a pot. Add in all ingredients except fish maw & salt.
5. Bring to a boil & reduce heat & let it simmer for 60 mins.
6. Add in fish maw & continue to simmer for another 30 mins.

7. Add salt to taste.
8. Ready to serve hot.

Happy Cooking..